Roleplay Haven logo
About Us

The Role Play Haven is run by a dedicated team of volunteers, who donate their time to fun, safe gaming. We couldn’t do what we do, without them. From running branches, helping at conventions, and creating some of our amazing game sessions; our volunteers are vital and they mean the world to us. They help us combine our favourite hobby with raising money for charities close to our hearts.

Our volunteers bring their skills and passion to The Role Play Haven through our Branch Committees (who run the local branches and organise amazing gaming) and our HQ volunteers (who support our branches)

Become a Volunteer

Do you wish to lead your branch and help shape its future? Standing as a volunteer committee and making key decisions on how the branch is operated?

Do you feel passionate about gaming and charity? Well, there’s no better way to get involved than by volunteering. You’ll gain valuable skills that can carry through to your day to day job – and it’s a great way to get more involved with your branch and the Role Play Haven!

Meet the Volunteers

The Directors

The Directors of our organisation are charged with ensuring The Role Play Haven is always striving to work towards its mission statement.

Volunteer Leaders

Our Volunteer Leaders support the directors with leading the organisation’s critical areas of operations.

Senior Volunteers

Our Senior Volunteers support the RPH with key areas and help us create fun projects and branches to play in.